
Advance Payment-How to setup Advance Payment in Microsoft Dynamic NAV LS Retail POS?

Advance Payment-How to setup Advance Payment in Microsoft Dynamic NAV LS Retail POS?

Advance Payment-How to setup Advance Payment in Microsoft Dynamic NAV LS Retail POS?

  • Posted By admin
  • On 25 November
  • Tag: Advice, Fitness

Advance Payment-How to setup Advance Payment in Microsoft Dynamic NAV LS Retail POS?

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Advance payment setup in Microsoft Dynamics NAV LS Retail
I had met with a luxury brand retail client and they had very specific and basic requirement. Whenever there is upcoming limited edition watch model, they would take advance payment from the customer in order to book their product.
  1. The client would receive advance payment from the customer in the form of Cash/Card
  2. Advance voucher will be issued to the customer
  3. Customer will use the voucher to buy the product whenever it comes
So, let us understand how this basic functionality can be configured in Microsoft Dynamics NAV LS
Non-Stock Item configuration
  1. We will first create a Non-stock item
  2. Configuration to be considered while creating the item
  3. No Stock posting field should be checked
  4. Keying in Price field must have an option selected as Must Key in New Price
Data Entry Type Configuration
  1. Create POS Data Entry Type and select the following configuration as shown in the below image.
This POS Data entry type will be included in 2 Infocode which will be attached to non stock item(Issue of Advance Voucher) and Tender Type (Redeeming of Voucher).
Two infocodes are created and both the infocodes are linked to the POS data Entry Type ADV. Refer to the above image for infocode settings.
ADVPAYIN :- Create Data Entry Type
  1. Create InfoCode with name ADVPAYIN. Do the following settings in the infocode
  2. Type:- Create Data Entry
  3. Data Entry Type:- ADV (Same we created in data entry configuration)
ADVPAY:- Apply to Entry Type
  1. Create InfoCode with name ADVPAY. Do the following settings in the infocode
  2. Type:- Apply to Entry
  3. Data Entry Type:- ADV (Same we created in data entry configuration)
  4. Triggering:- Automatic
  5. Input Required:- Yes
Attach Infocode to the Non-Stock item (ADVPAY)
  1. Open Retail item ADVPAY card
  2. Go to the Navigate, Select the POS button and then Infocode refer to the below screen shot.
3. Select the ADVPAYIN(Create Data entry Type) infocode for the item.
Attach Extra Print to the Non Stock item
Now we need to attach the extra print to the non-stock item. Extra print setup will be used to print the advance payment voucher in slip station. This is a mandatory setup to be provided.
  1. Go to the retail item card ADVPAY
  2. On Action TAB click on Navigate and then on POS->Extra Print Setup
  3. Setup ADVPAY for it. (How to setup ADVPAY print out will study further in this article)
Extra Print Setup
Extra print setup is done to print in the slip station, Here we mention what we want to print and where we want to print. This is an advance payment voucher which we can give to customer to provide with advance payment.
  1. Search for Extra Print setup
  2. Click New to create an extra print setup with name ADVPAY
  3. click on edit to create the configuration of the print
  4. Please follow the below screenshot to set up extra print
Setting up Tender Type and attaching an Infocode
Next step is to attach the Infocode on tenders. There are 2 steps to setting up advance payment. First step is selling advance payment and receiving the cash. The second step is making sales against the advance payment ( Voucher which we given while taking advance payment)
  1. Go to the store card and open tender for the store
2. Create New Tender type as Advance payment
3. Now attach the infocode with Tender type (Advance Payment). Attach the same infocode which we created above ADVPAY. Please refer to the screen shot below.
4. Once infocode is attached, we need to attach the Extra Print setup to the tender type.
5. Extra Print Setup:- Attach the same extra print which we attached on item.
Take Advance payment in POS
  1. Select the item Advance payment
  2. Put the advance payment for the item Advance Payment
3. Click on the button properties of Advance payment to see the Tender type attached
4. Now take the advance payment by clicking on the cash as tender type
5. Refer to the below image when payment is received as advance payment
6. The above advance payment can be used as tender type in the sale
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